Fully funded summer school for 18-39 years old Youth ( interested in science and technology) from EU countries in Brussels

⏳Deadline - 12 March !!

📢 Fully funded summer school for 18-39 years old Youth ( interested in science and technology) from EU countries in Brussels ( Belgium)- 24-26 June!!! 

🌎Eligible countries - #EU 
🎉Program categories - #summer_school #youth #media #fully_funded #science #belgium 

📌 The European Science-Media Hub (ESMH) of the European Parliament is organising a Summer School in Brussels on 24-26 June 2025 to address the opportunities and challenges of digital science communication.

🟢The three-day event will include workshops, panels and training sessions with experienced journalists, communication specialists, researchers and policymakers. ❗Experts will share hands-on tips and tricks to leverage digital tools to tell science stories and engage audiences.❗ Participants will discuss communication trends, best practices for journalists, and how to navigate the complexities of science communication.

🔎Requirements to apply👇
👉To be an EU citizen
👉To be between 18 and 39 years old
👉To be fluent in both written and spoken English
👉To have professional experience in journalism or media production
👉To have a passion for science communication

💰The ESMH will provide financial support for the travel and accommodation costs of the selected journalists participating in the 2025 Summer School

ℹ️ Details 

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