⏳Վերջնաժամկետը ` մարտի 16!!!
📢Բնական գիտությունների, ինժեներիայի, բժշկության բնագավառներից բակալավրիատի և մագիստրատուրայի ուսանողների համար, ամբողջական փոխհատուցմամբ հետազոտական պրակտիկայի ծրագիր 🇨🇭Շվեյցարական 5 համալսարաններում!!!
📌The Swiss Summer Student Program is organized by the particle physics groups of ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich, EPFL, the University of Geneva and the University of Bern. It is supported by the Swiss Institute of Particle Physics (CHIPP) and the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT). ❗The program will allow students to work on detector development or perform data analysis in particle physics. ❗We cover different topics, from research on exotic atoms - where particle physics, atomic physics and quantum optics meet - to research on neutrino, flavour and high-energy physics, dark matter searches and astroparticle physics. Selected students will contribute to the upgrade of different detectors and/or analysing data with the use of machine learning techniques. Students will spend nine weeks at ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich, the University of Bern (possibly FERMILAB), EPFL and the University of Geneva.
🟢The Summer Program is aimed at International BSc and MSc Degree students (PhD students cannot apply) in Physics, Applied Physics, Medical Physics, Engineering, Computing Science and Materials Science. Students are accepted into the research groups at ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich, EPFL and the University of Bern. Each student is guided by a supervisor, responsabile for their training program.❗ Participants in the school will spend nine weeks at ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich, the University of Bern (possibly FERMILAB), EPFL and the University of Geneva. 🗓️The program runs from July 14 to September 14, 2025, some flexibility will be considered depending on the project needs. 👉A final report and some presentations (in English) on the project will be required during the duration of the program. 👉At the end of the programm, all the students will meet to present their work. 👉In some cases, the summer internship can be extended to a few months contract in preparation of a Master Degree Thesis.
🏢Հյուրընկալող համալսարանները👇
👉ETH Zurich
👉University of Zurich
👉University of Bern
👉University of Geneva
💰Կազմակերպիչները ապահովում են կեցությունը, փոխհատուցում ավիատոմսերի վճարը, բժշկական ապահովագրությունը։
ℹ️ Մանրամասները
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