OSCE PA Research Assistant Programm

⏳Վերջնաժամկետը ` հոկտեմբերի 1!!! 

📢Քաղաքագիտության, իրավունքի, միջազգային հարաբերությունների ու հարակից բնագավառների ուսանողների համար գիտական ասիստենտի ծրագիր - ԵԱՀԿ-ի կողմից!!! 

📌The OSCE PA Research Assistant Programme is open to graduate students and recent graduates of political science, law, international relations or other related fields from OSCE participating States and Partners for Co-operation. Research Assistants develop their knowledge of international politico-military, economic and environmental, and human rights affairs and build their professional skills in areas connected to the work of the Parliamentary Assembly.

❗Research Assistants conduct background research on topics relevant for the activities of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. They draft a variety of documents, such as briefing reports, speeches, statements, talking points, minutes of meetings and background papers, to support the work of the Assembly, including in the context of election observation missions, various official visits, meetings and special projects carried out by the International Secretariat.

❗Moreover, Assistants in Vienna attend official meetings of the OSCE decision-making bodies and other informal meetings of the OSCE participating States and write concise reports thereof to keep the Assembly abreast of key security developments and negotiations taking place.

❗Assistants are also asked to complete administrative tasks, such as day-to-day practical work in the office, translation and proofreading of official documents, filing and other necessary tasks. On an ad hoc basis, Assistants may attend the events of the Assembly conducted in the field, such as election observations, statutory meetings, field visits, etc.

❗Research Assistant positions demand a six-month time commitment, and all Assistants are expected to abide by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Code of Conduct.

⏰Ծրագրի տեւողությունը ` 6 ամիս է։ 

💰Կազմակերպիչները տրամադրում են ամսական 1000-1200 եվրո կրթաթոշակ, ապահովում կեցությունը։

Մեկնաբանել հրապարակումը

Գրել մեկնաբանություն

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