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Young Bled Strategic Forum 2024 in Slovenia

⏳Deadline - 2 June!!

📢Young Bled Strategic Forum 2024 in Pokljuka (Slovenia) - 30 August - 1 September!!! 

🌎Eligible countries - international 
🟢The Young Bled Strategic Forum is a unique meeting place for diverse young leaders, offering them a platform to share their visions, exchange ideas and network with other prominent young politicians, activists, diplomats and academic from all over the world. Each year, it attracts a group of young leaders and engages them in interactive discussions on pressing challenges and addresses inventive approaches to developing creative solutions. As a generator of ideas, the Young Bled Strategic Forum has become an engine of change.
❗The Young Bled Strategic Forum model is growing and changing every year. Topics change and ideas evolve, but the main objectives of the Young Bled Strategic Forum are clear. Young Bled Strategic Forum aims to bring together the most prominent young leaders from Slovenia and abroad and offer them a creative atmosphere for discussion and networking.
🙌The main theme of the 2024 edition of the Young Bled Strategic Forum (working title: Restoring Common Ground) is a reference to the title of the 2024 edition of the Bled Strategic Forum international conference (Parallel Realities). In essence, at this year’s Young Bled Strategic Forum, participants will be looking for ways to make our realities converge once again so that a space for positive social action can re-emerge. You can find more information on the theme of the 13th Young Bled Strategic Forum here. 

🔎Who can apply?👇
Field of profession: whoever committed to bringing positive change within society, ranging from students and young academics, NGO representatives and civil society members (active citizens on the local, national and international level), activists, politicians, engineers, young members of public administration and governmental institutions, athletes, members of international organisations, entrepreneurs, and all other inspiring young future leaders.

❗Age: 18 – 35 years

💰There is no participation fee and all the costs of your participation are covered by us.👉 This includes the cost of transportation, accommodation, and meals at the Young Bled Strategic Forum and the Bled Strategic Forum. 

ℹ️ Details 

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